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How much does a parking ticket in NYC cost?

City of New York issues millions of parking tickets each year, generating millions of dollars in revenue. When you live in or visit NYC, you be prepared for parking tickets. In this article, we’ll outline the most common reasons for parking tickets in NYC and the associated costs. The cost ranges from $35 (expired meter)- $515 (unauthorized intercity bus).

Top 5 Most Common Parking Tickets in NYC

The city has a maze of traffic and parking regulations that can be a pain to master for even the most skilled drivers. The top 5 parking types account for more than 50% of all the tickets issued in NYC. Here are some common violations for which you can get a ticket:

  1. Photo Tickets Near School Zone (Violation code: 36)
    Common examples include running a red light or exceeding the posted speed limit in a designated school zone, which are both captured by red light cameras and speed cameras.

    • 4,706,070 Tickets issued in 2021 (30.5% of all tickets issued)

    • $50 Fine

  2. Alternative Side Parking Violation - Street Cleaning (Violation Code: 21) Someone might get a ticket for alternate street parking in NYC if they park on the wrong side of the street during street cleaning hours. This is because NYC has a system of alternate side parking, which requires cars to be parked on the odd-numbered side of the street on odd-numbered days and the even-numbered side of the street on even-numbered days, to allow for street cleaning. - 1,601,597 Tickets issued in 2021 (10.4% of all tickets issued) - $65 Fine

  3. Expired meter (Violation code: 38) You may get a ticket for not to show a receipt for metered parking because you didn't pay for the parking time or didn't display the receipt on your vehicle's dashboard. Additionally, you may get a ticket if you exceeded the time limit on the receipt and failed to add more money to the meter or move your vehicle to a different spot. Drivers get a 5-minute grace period past the expired time on parking meter receipts. Hourly parking rates range from $1.25 to $7.50, and from $5.00 to $8.00 for commercial vehicle, depending on the location and duration. - 1,067,648 Tickets issued in 2021 (6.9% of all tickets issued) - $65 Fine in Manhattan ($35 everywhere else)

  4. No Standing & Parking in a Restricted Zone (Violation code: 14) You can’t stand (meaning stop) in a No Standing zone in NYC to to load/unload packages or merchandise at curbside. This includes areas where parking is prohibited at certain times of the day, such as during rush hour or overnight. This includes areas where parking is restricted to certain types of vehicles, such as commercial vehicles or vehicles with handicap placards. The one exception: you may stop to expeditiously drop off or pick up passengers. - 940,420 Tickets Issued in 2021 (6.1% of all tickets issued) - Violation: $115

  5. Parking within 15 feet of fire hydrants (violation code 40) You must park at least 15 feet away from a fire hydrant to ensure that emergency vehicles have enough space to access the hydrant in case of a fire or other emergency. Between sunrise and sunset, a passenger vehicle can stand alongside a fire hydrant as long as a driver remains behind the wheel and is ready to move the vehicle. - 824,547 Tickets Issued in 2021 (5.3% of all tickets issued) - Violation: $115

How much it costs to be late:

NYC parking tickets accrue penalty if not paid within 30 days of issuance. The table below summaries the penalties for unpaid tickets.

NYC Penalty Schedule for Unpaid Tickets

Type<30 daysAfter 30dAfter 60dAfter 90dAfter 100d
Parking TicketFineFine + $10Fine + $30Fine + $60Fine + $60 + 9% interest
Photo Ticket$50$50 + $25$50 + $25$50 + $25$50 + $25 + 9% interest

Paying Your Tickets & Penalties

If you find yourself getting a ticket, Pay NYC Fines is the fastest way to pay & manage NYC parking tickets. Get alerted of new tickets and upcoming penalties via text and pay in less than 1 minute.

Visit to learn more.

The Big List of all Tickets Violations Codes in NYC

01Failure of an intercity bus to prominently display a copy of an intercity bus permit.$515
02Failure of an intercity bus to properly display the operator's name, address and telephone number.$515
03Intercity bus unauthorized passenger pickup or discharge$515
04Vehicles parked illegally south of Houston Street in Manhattan in metered spaces reserved for buses from 7am - 7pm daily. Vehicles with bus plate types parked longer than the 3 hour maximum and/or not displaying a DOT-issued bus permit.$115
05Failure to make a right turn from a bus lane. (Violation amounts are based on violations received in a 12-month period)1st $50, 2nd $100, 3rd $150, 4th $200, 5th $250
06Parking a tractor-trailer on a residential street between 9PM and 5AM.1st $250, 2nd $500
07Vehicles photographed going through a red light at an intersection$50
08Vehicle idling in a restricted area.$115
09Blocking an Intersection: Obstructing traffic at an intersection also known as “Blocking the Box”.$115
10Stopping, standing or parking where a sign, street marking, or traffic control device does not allow stopping.$115
11Hotel Loading/Unloading: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or; traffic control device.$115
12Mobile MTA bus lane violation. (Violation amounts are based on violations received in a 12-month period)1st $50, 2nd $100, 3rd $150, 4th $200, 5th $250
13Taxi Stand: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or; traffic control device.$115
14General No Standing: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or; traffic control device.$115
16Truck Loading/Unloading: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or; traffic control device.$95
17Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or; traffic control device.$95
18Bus Lane: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or; traffic control device.$115
19Bus Stop: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or; traffic control device.$115
20General No Parking: No parking where parking is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device.$60 ($65 in Manhattan)
21Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device.** Effective 2/20/2020, the fine amount for this violation code is $65$65
22Taxi/FHV Relief Stand: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or; traffic control device.$115
23Taxi Stand: No parking where parking is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device.*
24Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where parking is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device.*
25Standing at a commuter van stop, other than temporarily for the purpose of quickly picking up or dropping off passengers.$115
26Standing at a for-hire vehicle stand, other than temporarily for the purpose of quickly picking up or dropping off passengers. $115
27No parking in a zone reserved for people with disabilities (off-street only) where parking is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device$180
28Overtime standing (diplomat)$95
29Altering an intercity bus permit$515
30Stopping or standing by an intercity bus in its assigned on-street bus stop location other than when actively engaged in the pick-up or discharge of its passengers$515
31Standing of a non-commercial vehicle in a commercial metered zone.$115
32Parking at a broken or missing meter for longer than the maximum time permitted.$35 ($65 in Manhattan)
33Misuse of agency authorized parking permit.$65
35Parking in a meter space for the purpose of displaying, selling, storing, or offering goods for sale.$65
36Exceeding the posted speed limit in or near a designated school zone.$50
37-38Parking Meter –(37) Parking in excess of the allowed time (38) Failing to show a receipt or tag in the windshield.Drivers get a 5-minute grace period past the expired time on parking meter receipts.$35 ($65 in Manhattan)
39Parking for longer than the maximum time permitted by sign, street marking or traffic control device.$60 ($65 in Manhattan)
40Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Between sunrise and sunset, a passenger vehicle may stand alongside a fire hydrant as long as a driver remains behind the wheel and is ready to move the vehicle if required to do so.$115
42Parking in a parking meter space in a commercial metered zone in which that Muni Meter is working and indicates the time has ended.$35 ($65 in Manhattan)
44Parking in a commercial metered zone for longer than the maximum time allowed.$35 ($65 in Manhattan)
45Stopping, standing or parking in a traffic lane; or if a vehicle extends more than 8 feet from the nearest curb, blocking traffic.$115
46Standing or parking on the roadway side of a vehicle stopped, standing or parked at the curb; in other words also known as “double parking”. However, a person may stand a Commercial Vehicle alongside a vehicle parked at the curb at such locations and during such hours that stopping, standing and parking is allowed when quickly making pickups, deliveries or service calls. This is allowed if there is no parking space or marked loading zone on either side of the street within 100 feet. “Double parking” any type of vehicle is not allowed in Midtown Manhattan (the area from 14th Street to 60th Street, between First Avenue and Twelfth Avenue inclusive). Midtown double parking is not allowed between 7:00am – 7:00pm daily except Sundays. (Read Code 47)$115
47Stopping, standing or parking a vehicle in Midtown Manhattan (the area from 14th Street to 60th Street, between First Avenue and Twelfth Avenue) other than parallel or close to the curb. ** Effective 3/8/20, the area of violation is from 14th Street to 60th Street, between First Avenue and Twelfth Avenue$115
48Stopping, standing or parking within a marked bicycle lane.$115
49Stopping, standing or parking alongside or opposite any street construction or obstruction and thereby blocking traffic.$95
50Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. Note: Crosswalks are not always identified by painted street markings.$115
51Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk.$115
52Stopping, standing or parking within an intersection.$115
53Standing or parking in a safety zone, between a safety zone and the nearest curb, or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone.$115
54Picking up or discharging a passenger(s) by a taxi, commuter van or for-hire vehicle within a pedestrian crosswalk, within an intersection, alongside or opposite a street excavation while blocking traffic, in a traffic lane, where stopping is prohibited, with a bicycle lane or within a horse-drawn carriage boarding area.$115
55Stopping, standing or parking within a highway tunnel or on a raised or controlled access roadway.$115
56Stopping, standing or parking alongside a barrier or divided highway unless permitted by sign.$115
57Parking a vehicle within the area designated as The Blue Zone, Monday through Friday 7:00am –7:00pm. The Blue Zone is bounded by the northern property line of Frankfort Street, the northern property line of Dover Street, the eastern property line of South Street, the western property line of State Street, the center line of Broadway and the center line of Park Row. ** Effective 3/8/20, this violation is no longer issuedN/A
58Parking a vehicle on a marginal street or waterfront i.e. any street, road, place, area or way that connects or runs along waterfront property. Parking on a marginal street or waterfront is permitted if authorized by posted sign.$45 ($65 in Manhattan)
59Standing or parking at an angle to the curb, except where allowed by rule or sign. Where angle parking is not authorized by a sign, a Commercial Vehicle may stand or park at an angle only for loading or unloading and if it leaves enough space for traffic flow.$115
60Standing or parking at an angle to the curb, except where authorized by rule or sign.$45 ($65 in Manhattan)
61Except where angle parking is allowed, stopping, standing or parking other than parallel to curb or edge of roadway. Or, parking opposite the direction of traffic.$45 ($65 in Manhattan)
62Standing or parking a vehicle beyond markings on the curb or the pavement of a street which marks a parking space, except when a vehicle is too large to fit in that “marked” parking space. Where a vehicle is too large, it shall be parked with its front bumper at the front of the space and the rear bumper extending as little as possible into the next space.$45 ($65 in Manhattan)
63Standing or parking a vehicle in any park between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, except at places allowed for the parking of vehicles.$95
64No standing except consul / diplomat plates with Dept. of State decals only.$95
65Overtime standing consul / diplomat vehicles 30-minute limit D decals only.$95
66Parking a trailer or semi-trailer which is not attached to a motor vehicle used for towing it, unless loading or unloading at an off-street platform.$45 ($65 in Manhattan)
67Parking in front of a pedestrian ramp$165
68Not parking as marked on a posted sign$60 ($65 in Manhattan)
69Failing to show a parking meter receipt, commercial meter zone.$35 ($65 in Manhattan)
70Standing or parking a vehicle without showing a current New York registration sticker.$65
71Standing or parking a vehicle without showing a current New York inspection sticker.$65
72Standing or parking a vehicle with NY Plates and showing a damaged or fake inspection certificate.$65
73Standing or parking a vehicle showing an expired, damaged, void, fake, or incorrect registration sticker.$65
74Standing or parking a vehicle without properly showing its current plates on the outside of the vehicle attached tightly not more than 48, or less than 12, inches from the ground, clean, not covered by glass or plastic, with nothing preventing it from being read clearly.$65
75Standing or parking a vehicle in which the New York License Plate number and/or the actual description of the vehicle does not match the information on the registration sticker.$65
76Standing or parking a vehicle that has the vehicle identification number obscured in any manner.$65
77Parking a bus, unless allowed by signs. A charter bus may park where parking is permitted at its point of origin or destination. A school bus may park in front of and within the building lines of a school.$65
78Parking a Commercial Vehicle on a residential street between 9PM and 5AM unless doing business within 3 blocks. Parking is allowed during this time if the vehicle is owned or operated by a gas or oil supplier or maintenance company or by any public utility.$65
79For a bus without passengers, waiting at a curb or other street location i.e., a layover; with passengers, waiting at a curb or other street location for more than five minutes, except in locations allowed by sign or by the Commissioner in writing.$115
80Standing or parking a vehicle without head lamps, rear lamps, reflectors or other required equipment.$45 ($60 in Manhattan)
81No standing except diplomat$95
82Standing or parking a Commercial Vehicle unless all seats, except the front seats, and rear seat equipment removed. The name and address of the owner must be on the registration certificate plainly marked on both sides of the vehicle in letters and numerals not less than 3 inches in height. (Vehicles with Commercial Plates are considered to be Commercial Vehicles and must be altered accordingly.$115
83Standing or parking a vehicle displaying a New York license plate which is not properly registered.$65
84Parking a Commercial Vehicle on any city street with its platform lift in the lowered position while no one is with the vehicle.$65
85Parking a Commercial Vehicle more than 3 hours, where parking is allowed.$65
86Standing or parking a vehicle to make pickups, deliveries or service calls for more than 3 hours, unless allowed by posted signs, between 7AM and 7PM, except Sundays, in Manhattan from 14th to 60th Streets and First to Eighth Avenues.$115
87Fraudulent use of agency authorized parking permit.$65
89Standing or parking a vehicle in the Garment District (in Manhattan, from 35th Street to 41st Street, between the Avenues of America and Eighth Avenue) between the hours of 7:00am – 7:00pm. However, a Commercial Vehicle which is a truck or a van can park temporarily (up to a maximum of 3 hours) while making a pickup, delivery or service call.$115
91Parking in order to sell a vehicle by a person who regularly sells vehicles.$65
92Parking in order to wash, grease, or repair a vehicle by a person who regularly repairs vehicles.$65
93Stopping, standing or parking on paved roadway to change a flat tire, unless permitted by posted sign.$65
94Vehicle Release penalty associated with NYPD’s Violation Tow Program.$100 - $200
96Standing or parking within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing.$95
97Parking in a vacant lot. A vehicle may be parked on a vacant lot having a municipally authorized driveway upon written permission of the owner.$45 ($65 in Manhattan)
98Standing or parking in front of a public or private driveway. The owner or renter of a lot accessed by a private driveway may park a passenger vehicle registered to him / her at that address in front of the driveway provided the lot does not contain more than 2 dwelling units and that parking does not violate any other rule or restriction.$95
99All other parking, standing or stopping violations.vary